Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wow! Where to begin. Casey and I have been together for 11 years today. We will be married for seven years in February. God has blessed us beyond measure. When we first got together he and I talked about having children. He is from a large family and I only have an older brother which I love dearly.  I always wanted more siblings. With Casey being the youngest of seven I knew he wanted a large family. When we first got married,  I wanted to start trying to have a baby maybe after 2 years of marriage. I had seen all my friends get married and start their families. I also wanted to start our family as well. We tried and tried. Every month we would pray this is going to be it, this is going to be the month that we find out that we are expecting. I at this time was very over weight and my doctor said if I could loose about 20 pounds my chances would be a lot better of conceiving our "Bundle of Joy". Month after month and year after year nothing. I became very sick at work one day and passed out. It scared me and all my co-workers to death. I went to the doctor and they ran test after test. I  was diagnosed with A-Typical Migraines. I was out of work for weeks. I actually had a lot of time to pray and think. I had worked since the day that I turned 16 and had never had any time off. I had those few weeks to visit all my doctors and realized that I needed to focus more on my health. Not work so many hours a week but enjoy my life. Casey was working second shift at the time so I worked as many hours to stay busy. After being at home for a few weeks bored out of my mind, I started looking at my house. Thinking of how quiet and lonely it was.I said ok it is time to try again. I am not getting any younger and neither is Casey. I said "God if it be in your will, it will happen this month but if not I am going to look into other options". I have always been interested in adoption, not knowing what God had in store for Casey and I. During that time I had went to see my OBGYN and received some disturbing news. We couldn't conceive as a couple. Wow our heart was torn out of our chest. I said "God I know that you have a plan for us and we are willing to follow". A short time after that I went back to work. However, I was looking for another job with less hours so that I could finish my schooling. I said where there  is a will their is a way. Praying each and everyday for God to open a door for me to find a job. Just a few days later he did. I got the greatest job. I had never had a job so rewarding. I met some amazing people. Again, not knowing what God had in store for me and My Husband. Our hearts were still broken to pieces about not being able to have a child of our own. We knew God had a plan for us we just didn't know what it was going to be. We had discussed so many options, but the one we kept coming back to was adoption. We contacted Bethany adoption agency and got all of our paperwork. If you have ever adopted you know it is a vast amount of paperwork with background checks and soforth. As I was laying in bed one afternoon looking on the Babiesrus website I  made a wish list. Everything that I had picked out was out of stock. Just my luck. Filling out the paperwork was so exciting. Knowing that within a year or so we would hopefully be bringing home our baby.  Again, we did not know that God already was working. We just couldn't see it unfolding infront of our eyes. We were having a revival at our church and I had been praying. Seeking the Lord . Casey and I  for some reason just couldn't get all the paperwork filled out. So, I just put it in the dresser drawer and said I will get to it during weekend. It was a holiday weekend so I had that friday off work. This was on thursday afternoon. I was laying in bed praying and seeking God for answers to lead me in the right direction. I got a call that day from a very special friend that said "Can you come see me tomorrow?". I said "Sure I am off work. "this friend said that they were putting their baby up for adoption. I almost fell to my knees at that point, but I had to listen and give them good advice. This special individual said that they didn't have anyone that they could trust but me. We had a long conversation and I said "You don't know this about me and my husband but we are trying to adopt right now". These special individuals have a heart of Gold and gave us the opportunity to adopt their child. I said we as a family do nothing without praying about it. I went to church that night and Casey working. We were having revival. I never told anyone what I was praying about, but I said " God if it be in your will then this will happen and we will bring him home with us. Everything will fall into place." That Friday I got a call to come to the hospital and get things in place for the possible adoption. I contacted another very special friend and she gave me the name of a wonderful attorney. I contacted the firm and explained my situation. I said we were not sure if this will take place, but I want to be prepared.  God was leading me to person after person for guidance and preparing me for the miracle of our lifetime, our" Bundle of Joy". The attorney said whatever it takes. If you get another call no matter what time day, night or weekend please call me. That night I was at revivial again . During the service I got a call on my cell to come tomorrow and meet with our special friends. I said ok not knowing what God had in store for us that day. We had a great visit and left the hospital yet again not knowing what miracle God was about to perform. Casey and I went to the top of the hospital and prayed our hearts out. We said "God you see us here and you know our hearts. We are not perfect, but we long to be parents". We left the hospital. I wasn't very talkative and I wanted to go to my parents house. I called my Mom and said we are coming over she said ok see you soon. She could tell that I had been crying, but she never asked why. When I got to her house that day I went in the kitchen made a sandwich. I was just taking the first bite, you know that is when your cell phone usually rings. I didn't recognize the number but what I heard on the other end was "Please come back to the hospital and bring your attorney. We have made our decision and it's you". I screamed to the top of my lungs after I got off the phone. My mom came running and I said we have a baby. She said, "what?" (keep in mind no one knew what was taking place but God, Casey and I.) So I got to tell my Mom and Dad. This is what it felt like. I am pregnant, the baby is already born, and we are bringing him home.  They were in such shock. My mom did ask if she could go with us. On the way to the hospital, I called the attorney. He was out playing paint ball with his son, but never hesitated. He said "I will be there within an hour". So one ordinary day turned in to what we call our  "Miracle Day".  We took custody that day of our son that God had so blessed us with. Also, linking us with the two individuals with  hearts of gold, that had so blessed us with a child. From that day it all went so fast just like putting a puzzle together. God placed every piece together for us.                                                                                                                              Our son is now two and a half years old. God is so Wonderful! About a year and a half ago Casey and I started putting our profile out there again to expand our family. If it be in Gods will. We have been on what they call a waiting list to be chosen. Our profile and BirthMother letter has been reviewed by quite a few Birthmothers. However, we have yet to be chosen again. We know that God has a plan for us. We would so love to have another child in our life. Our "Little Man" has been the greatest gift that we could ever receive. We know from experience that God can work a miracle. We are just waiting on him or her.  I hope and pray that our second adoption will go as fast as our first one. Only God can make that happen. Our attorney's have asked us to get the word out to all of our friends and family that we are looking to expand our family. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Also, please keep your ears and eyes open. I know that God is an ontime God and he will open the door if and when it be in his will. I hope that you have enjoyed our Adoption Story. Our Little Man is our testimony. Everyone says he is so blessed to have us as parents. We to be honest are blessed to have him as our son. Even more so that God has seen fit for us to be his parents. God is awesome and please don't ever loose faith in him. God does work miracles. Please watch for any opportunities that may lead to adoption for our family. We are not rich. However, we are rich with love. I have the best job ever, a stay at home Mom.  I am paid with hugs, kisses and lately lots of  "I love you's" from my Little Man. We don't have the biggest house but we make it our home. We have lots of Love and we put God  first. If you want to reach us please send us a facebook message or email . God Bless each and every one of you. Thank you for taking the time to read our "Amazing Adoption Journey". Have a Blessed day! 

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